- The fees to play will be the standard 9-hole green fees and cart fees if you choose to take a cart and will be paid directly to the golf course before playing. Players with memberships/passes will not be charged extra to participate.
- Standard golf and course rules apply.
- 9 holes will be played every night. It is recommended that we play ready golf to keep up play and complete 9 holes in 2 hours.
- We will use a golf app to record scores at both the net and gross. Winner of both gross and net score will be recognized for the year.
- The low gross and net score each week will play for free the following week. You cannot win back-to-back free rounds.
- The maximum score per hole will double par.
- We will establish a handicap for all players after two rounds of golf. We recommend turning in two rounds before league play on Wednesday, May 22. You will be assigned a scratch handicap until two rounds are submitted.
- Players 72 and older may play from the reds, 62 and older may play from the yellow, and everyone else can play from the whites.
- Each player needs to notify the league eight days in advance if they cannot play.
- We will try to accommodate multiple substitutes when possible, pending groups of four. Substitutes need to notify the league eight days prior to the date they would like to play.
- Golfers will play 9 holes for league play but may continue to play additional holes until dark at no extra charge.
- If we host a tournament, it will be open to all Men of Hope.
- The golf league will not make up rain delays. If a rain out is anticipated, players can confirm play by calling ahead to the clubhouse.
- Questions regarding league rules, scheduling tee times, etc. should be directed to the league board: Henry Wood, Jim Smith, Bill Folkerts and Mark Jansen.
Have Questions?
Contact: Mark Jansen at [email protected]