Men of Hope Golf League

Join Our Golf League!

Men of Hope is hosting a golf league at Jester Park Golf Course every Wednesday evening beginning May 22, 2024, and ending Aug. 28, 2024. Those in the league are encouraged to attend the practice rounds on May 8 and May 15 to establish a handicap. Unable to play for the full 14 weeks? See registration for a substitute option! Whether you’re a beginner or an established golfer, full-time player or substitute, there’s a place for you in our golf league! We look forward to golfing with you throughout the summer. Please read the rules below and register to play!

Each player will pay his own green fees and share a cart rental fee every week he plays.

Interested in joining the Men of Hope Golf League? Register before Monday, May 6, as either a full-time player or a substitute. Anyone who registers to play after we have 32 full-time players will be registered as a substitute.

MenOfHope GolfLeague


  • The fees to play will be the standard 9-hole green fees and cart fees if you choose to take a cart and will be paid directly to the golf course before playing. Players with memberships/passes will not be charged extra to participate.
  • Standard golf and course rules apply.
  • 9 holes will be played every night. It is recommended that we play ready golf to keep up play and complete 9 holes in 2 hours.
  • We will use a golf app to record scores at both the net and gross. Winner of both gross and net score will be recognized for the year.
  • The low gross and net score each week will play for free the following week. You cannot win back-to-back free rounds.
  • The maximum score per hole will double par.
  • We will establish a handicap for all players after two rounds of golf. We recommend turning in two rounds before league play on Wednesday, May 22. You will be assigned a scratch handicap until two rounds are submitted.
  • Players 72 and older may play from the reds, 62 and older may play from the yellow, and everyone else can play from the whites.
  • Each player needs to notify the league eight days in advance if they cannot play.
  • We will try to accommodate multiple substitutes when possible, pending groups of four. Substitutes need to notify the league eight days prior to the date they would like to play.
  • Golfers will play 9 holes for league play but may continue to play additional holes until dark at no extra charge.
  • If we host a tournament, it will be open to all Men of Hope.
  • The golf league will not make up rain delays. If a rain out is anticipated, players can confirm play by calling ahead to the clubhouse.
  • Questions regarding league rules, scheduling tee times, etc. should be directed to the league board: Henry Wood, Jim Smith, Bill Folkerts and Mark Jansen.

Have Questions?

Contact: Mark Jansen at [email protected]