
Hope Grimes Nursery

The Hope Grimes Nursery is a loving and warm environment for your little one! Our nursery provides quality childcare for your child (age 3 or under) during our Saturday, 5:00 pm and Sunday, 9:30 & 11:00 am services and various classes throughout the week.

The nursery is open 15 minutes before the 9:30 & 11:00 am weekend services to drop off your child. We ask that you pick up your child immediately after the service is over. Childcare is also available during designated classes throughout the week. Find your class on the website calendar to see if childcare is available during your class and if preregistration is required. The nursery will close at 8:00 pm each night. 

Little girl playing with bubbles in the nursery

Nursery Information

Checking In

When checking in a child for the nursery, parents will have the option to type their last name or phone number to pull up their family information. Select your child for the nursery and print out a name tag to put on your child. An additional name tag will be printed to place on your diaper bag. If a child or family is new to church and not in the system, they will be asked to add their information to our clipboard in the room, so they can be added to our system.  


If your child develops a fever, is vomiting, has a pink eye, rash, bad cough, etc., while in the nursery, our staff will notify you to come pick up your child. To ensure that our nursery is a safe and healthy environment, please keep your child at home or with you if they have a fever, sore throat, contagious disease, skin rash, diarrhea, lice, skin rash or infection, or is vomiting.  


For the safety of children in the nursery with food allergies, we do not serve food or snacks. If your child has a food allergy, we ask that you add it to their name tag to ensure the safety of your child. 


Bring wipes, diapers and an extra set of clothes to leave in the diaper bag if your child is in diapers. If your child is potty training, please bring extra underwear and clothes. A second name tag will be printed off at check-in to put on your diaper bag. 


Donations of diapers, pull-ups, and wipes are always welcome to help sustain our nursery. Additional donations accepted include coloring books, markers, Play-Doh or bubbles for our bubble machine.  

Get to Know the Team

Aimee Munson

Aimee Munson