Weekly Services

Weekly Worship Service Opportunities

Welcome to Hope Grimes, we are so excited to worship with you! Join us on Sundays to worship God, learn about his everlasting love and eternal grace, and share his good news with the world around us. In addition to our Sunday services, we offer a variety of weekday services if you are a young adult or college student looking for a faith-based community to grow in relationship with God and one another. There are plenty of ways to get connected at Hope Grimes, and we hope to see you soon! 

Congregation during Sunday service

Worship Options

Celebration Services

Our in-person Celebration Services are held every Saturday and Sunday in the Worship Center. Join us for worship and a message from our pastors. 

Saturdays: 5:00 pm
Sundays: 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am 

Online Services

Tune into online services from Hope West Des Moines every Saturday and Sunday at HopeOnline.tv

Saturdays: 5:00 pm
Sundays: 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am and 5:00 pm

Childcare During Weekend Services

Hope Grimes provides childcare for those who want their kids to learn about God’s love for them through activities, worship and playtime. Our nursery is available during the Saturday 5:00 pm and Sunday 9:30 & 11:00 am services to provide quality childcare for children ages 3 and under. For children age 3 – grade 5, HopeKids is a high-energy children’s program that teaches youth about God’s love for them through activities, prayer and upbeat worship. HopeKids is available during the Saturday 5:00 pm and Sunday 9:30 & 11:00 am services. 

parent dropping off child at nursery before attending weekend service
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The Jesus Who’s More Than We Think

Join us as we continue on in our year-long theme 52 for ’25 by taking a deep dive into the questions we have about Jesus. As we ask some really good questions, we will meet and experience the Jesus Who’s More Than We Think!

Upcoming Sermons

We Are So Glad You Are Here!

If you are new to Hope Grimes, welcome! We don’t believe it’s any accident that you’re here, as we’ve been praying for you and believe that God brought you here for a reason. If you are new to our church, we would love for you to receive a special gift as a way of saying thank you for visiting. Let one of our staff members or volunteers know it’s your first time, and they’ll make sure you receive this gift!